Vivahwale is an exclusive & comprehensive social networking website for the people of the community. We also aim to provide all community a support to encourage them for several issues facing by them. This site has been created with constructive & creative motive to bring the people of community come closer world wide. Our aim is to provide a platform for people of all community, where we can share our views, know each other & discuss our common problems. This site is also usefull for community persons who are in search of Parichay Sammelan / Mass Marriages/ Events /bride/grooms,jobs/employees & other professional services. We also aim to provide the social and economical welfare to the community. We also empower to uplift and encourage the business value for business persons.

Vivahwale is a community based web portal with a mission to promote social awareness, networking and support for all community across World. Furthermore, the web portal has an outreach program through which it supports directly and or collaborates with initiatives related with natural disaster relief, education and health.

Rules for Parichay Sammelan / Mass Marriages/ Events/ Matrimonial Profile on Vivahwale Web Site

(1) Parichay Sammelan / Mass Marriages/ Events/ Matrimonial Profile is subject to approval. Once approved, you will receive an SMS/e-mail notification.

(2) In case of denial, Registration fee (excluding service charge paid to Vivahwale ) will be refunded within 6 weeks.

(3) Approved Parichay Sammelan / Mass Marriages/ Events/ Matrimonial Profile will be displayed on the Vivahwale website as per financial year (Apr 1st - Mar 31st). Renewal of matrimonial profile required after expiry of the profile.

(4) Parichay Sammelan / Mass Marriages/ Events/ Matrimonial Profile Registration fees will not be refunded once profile is approved and uploaded on website.

(5) Parichay Sammelan / Mass Marriages/ Events/ Matrimonial Profile could be removed from website / App with the written request by email from the profile provider (owner).

(6) Matrimonial will be governed by internet regulations.

Disclaimer for Matrimonial

(1) The website is intended only to serve as a preliminary medium of contact and information for its users / members / visitors who have an intention to enter into a matrimonial alliance.

(2) All personal information provided by the user / family members themselves is meant to be displayed on the website located on

(3) The committee members, associate members, executive members, volunteers, general members and any person vested with any responsibility for any task relating to the affairs of the community/ web Owner shall not be held liable for any manner whatsoever, in respect to any reliance placed or any matrimonial information displayed on the website.

(4) any manner whatsoever, never monitors the first or subsequent contacts, introductions and/or interactions which may take place between the user(s) / member(s) due to any information specified on the website.

(5) Visitors wishing to use the Parichay Sammelan / Mass Marriages/ Events/ Matrimonial information in respect of the site content provided are advised to conduct at their own due diligence. Any interaction shall be done solely at his /her own risk, cost and effort.

(6) The Parichay Sammelan / Mass Marriages/ Events/ Matrimonial information on website Please Do not Pay any Amount to other Person, Trust or Orginization. If any amount paid by You to them, Then it is your personal responsibility is not refundable / liable for such payment.

(7) The website is not associated with any trust or any orginationa. All the Copyrights of website are solely held by kuber Software, Proprietorship ( Sanjay Yadav ),Plot No 411,412 Diamond Colony, Kanadia Road, Indore ( M.P. ) Pin Code 452016

Current Working Committee


President / Founder

Working President

Vice President

General Secretary / Founder


Asstent General Secretary

Administration Minister

Publicity Minister


Organising Secretary

Office Minister


